In which I am interviewed by the 12 year old

In which I am interviewed by the 12 year old

Who is your favorite actor? Emily Deschanel on Bones because she is so good at being socially awkward, inappropriately direct and stinking hilarious. Also, she has an amazing voice and can pronounce big scientific words.

What has been your favorite awkward moment in a movie, book, TV show or real life? I wouldn’t say that this is my favorite moment, but it is certainly the most awkward. Dad and I were at a show many moons ago and got separated. I came up behind someone who I thought was your dad; same jacket, same height, and put my arms around him. It turned out to be an old high school frenemy of dad’s who had stolen his first serious girlfriend. I feel like he always looked at me in a strangely puppy dog way after that extraordinarily awkward moment.

What’s your favorite Iphone app? iBooks. I am a huge classical literature fan and can’t get enough of Frances Hodgson Burnett right now. I had no idea that he/she had written so many books. I really should find out if Frances Hodgson Burnett is a man or a woman.

Who’s your favorite singer? I can’t pick just one. How about Adele, Andrea Bocelli when he’s not singing lame duets with Stevie Wonder and Bono.

What’s your favorite random name? Zinger. Wow, that just randomly came to me! I’m amazing!

What’s your favorite dream animal from the Bible? What???? (Like the leviathan or something like that) The leviathan.

Who do you think you’re most like in the Bible? King David because I am a dramatic, over the top, say it like it is sinner who has been forgiven. I aspire to be a (wo)man after God’s own heart.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why? I am totally going to cheat here. I would go on a non worldwide tour of the world, touching down in each country and spending enough time there to say that I had truly seen the country. Realistically, I would go anywhere. Even Idaho. Or Iowa. Or Oklahoma. Please, just let me go somewhere….

If you could talk to anyone from the past, who would you talk to? I don’t think I would talk to any specific famous person. I’d rather do a person on the street type of thing during great past events. Oh wait, I’d like to talk to Sacajawea and Johnny Appleseed. Both strange and appealing people.

Any more questions for me? No, that’s it for now. I’d rather breed horses on my strange horse Ipod program. (That last part may have been added by me)

About hmcelfresh

I'm a thirty something wife of 16 years and mother of 3 children.
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