Heedless Heidi, or a note to my 16 year old self

Dear 16 year old Heidi,

Layering – seriously. You live in Minnesota. Stop going around freezing and put on some more clothes. Don’t go outside with wet hair, no matter how cool you think frozen hair feels.

High school boyfriends – so not worth it. That one that you think is the one? He’s not. Oh, and next year he’ll break up with you because you’re ‘annoying’. Seriously? Don’t waste your time. Save yourself for someone who loves you for who you are, not who you are pretending to be.

Stop being such a crazy driver! SLOW DOWN! Oh, and when that boy that you want to impress wants to ride on your roof while you speed along a dark, curvy road, don’t let him. You won’t regret it.

Stop hating on your family. They are the only family you have and they will be with you for life. Stop making their lives and your own miserable. You will even grow up and like them. Trust me.

Every time you sneak out the basement door, your mother knows. If you bothered to ask if you could go, she would probably say yes.

Hair – Stop trying to curl and tease your hair. It doesn’t like it and will not accept it. Besides, when you are my age, it isn’t the style anymore. Do you really want to have to look back at those pictures of your hair when you’re my age?

Take more risks. When you go out on a limb and are accepted to the Continental Singers the summer after your freshman year of college, do it. Asking for money is not as painful as you think and your boyfriend will still be there when you get back. He’s the one. Trust me.

Rethink your desire to be a piano teacher. You think now that this is your calling, but you are WRONG! You will hate it. You do not even like teaching your own daughter. Trust me.

When you get to college, go to class – don’t waste a whole year’s college tuition by NOT GOING TO CLASS, thereby causing Vanguard University to deny you admittance because of your dismal grade point average. On the other hand, you avoided an additional $50,000 in school loans. You would have been a piano teacher. See previous point.

Seek God.  I know you think that God is boring right now, but He is the greatest thing that will ever happen to you. The joy that His presence will bring you and the peace that will fill your life once you begin to surrender your will to Him is amazing. He will not make you give up all of your worldly possessions to move to Africa. At least, he hasn’t yet.

Last of all, you are beautiful young lady (besides the hair), you have a gorgeous figure and people will like the real, weird you.

About hmcelfresh

I'm a thirty something wife of 16 years and mother of 3 children.
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