Thank God for hopes and prayers unfulfilled!

The other day I was meditating on all of the great things that God has done for me over my life – dreams that he has fulfilled to a deeper level than I had ever asked for, things I had hoped for but hadn’t even mentioned to God.  A strange thought popped into my mind – why don’t you thank me for hopes and dreams that I haven’t fulfilled. This led to an even greater level of gratefulness and thankfulness. Honestly, I have hope and prayed for some really unwise and stupid things. I’ve decided to make a list of a few of my thankfully unanswered prayers and rejoice in that fact that my God really does know what is best for me.

Dear God, thank you so much that you did not answer my fervent prayers to allow me to marry my high school sweetheart (I believe this prayer came with a promise from me to do anything God wanted if he would just make this happen). Yikes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Dear Lord, thank you that my 12-year-old’s dream of being a stay at home mom with 12 children (!) was not fulfilled. Bless you!

Thank you for not allowing me to waste 4 years of school on becoming a piano teacher. You knew that I would dislike teaching reluctant students more than the spoonfuls of cod liver oil my grandma forced me to drink when I was a child. Yep, I’d rather have a spoonful of cod liver oil than teach your precious child how to play piano. No offense.

Thank you that my lazy and undisciplined freshman year at North Central led to me being denied admition to Vanguard. I can’t even imagine double the student loans. Thank you for forcing financial wisdom on me!

There were so many more, but my pregnant mind unfortunately can’t think of any that are worthy of being published. I have a big, awesome and loving God and I am his favorite child! He gives me great gifts even when I do not deserve them. He widens my tunnel vision and gives me a glimpse of the big picture to quiet my objections.

About hmcelfresh

I'm a thirty something wife of 16 years and mother of 3 children.
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